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Tropical cyclones 2020

Tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean in 2020

Recently, in the northern Indian ocean, a powerful cyclone "Nisarga" slammed near Maharashtra and the Gujarat coast area.

Mumbai has seen a cyclone of this nature after 129 years. Nisarga’s wind speed was at Mumbai region 110 km/h. At Alibaug, the wind speed was recorded 120-140 km/h. More than 100,000 people from Maharashtra and Gujarat coast are evacuated to a safer place with the help of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). 

nisarga and amphan

Just fifteen days earlier, a powerful super Cyclonic Storm Amphan caused severe damages in Eastern India and Bangladesh region

Amphan reached its peak intensity with three minutes sustained wind speeds of 240 km/h one minute sustained wind speeds of 260 km/h. On 20 May, the cyclone made landfall in West Bengal. it was rapidly weakened thereafter.

Nearly 100 people have lost their lives and causing over US$13 billion of damages. Amphan is also the costliest cyclone ever recorded in the North Indian Ocean.

Tropical cyclones can be very dangerous. This can make a huge impact on certain areas.

As per the world meteorological Organization(WMO), in the past 50 years around 1,942 tropical cyclones killed over 779,324 people. Also, it created economic losses of US$ 1,407.6 billion.

Difference between Cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, and tornado


Any kind of circular wind storm called a cyclone. In the Atlantic ocean, eastern, central, and northern pacific areas(north and south American region) called Hurricane.  In the western Pacific, called a typhoon. In the Indian Ocean known as a cyclone.


Tornadoes are similar to the cyclone. But, there are some features different than a cyclone. Tornados are rotating columns of air in contact with the ground.  The size of the tornado small, whereas cyclones are wider and bigger. Tornado’s last for a few hours and cyclone can last for weeks. Tornados are much more common than a cyclone. In the United States, tornados called twister.

What is a tropical cyclone?

The tropical cyclone is a circular air movement, which begins over the warm ocean water on the warm part of the earth, somewhere near the equator.

Equator near tropical region

This area receives very strong solar radiation from the sun. That means, this is the area receives straight sunlight, which produces a large amount of the heat.

How Tropical cyclones formed?

warm moist air

When water gets more than 27°C (80°F) hotter, It creates warm, moist air above the ocean to rises upward from the surface. When warm air rises upwards cool air moves in to replace the void.   Warm, moist air works as fuel for a tropical cyclone. Once warm air reaches a certain height, the temperature drops. So Cool dense air drops down in the center.

When the air is warm, low-pressure presence in that area, and when the air is cool, high-pressure occurs. Due to the earth rotation, the wind blows and slightly deflected by the 'Coriolis effect'. Near the low-pressure zone, warm air attracts cool air from the high-pressure zone and wind rotates in the opposite direction and creates a storm. 

eye of cycloneAs the storm system rotates at high speed further, an eye forms in the center. At the center, dense air sinks rather than rises. This causes air pressure to build further.  

Cyclones start on the sea and pass over land. This event of a storm moving towards land called ‘landfall’. Once it reaches the land it weakens and dies down slowly.

Difference between Tropical Cyclone and Tsunami 

In Tropical cyclone winds rotating inwards to an area of low atmospheric pressure. But in the tsunami, earthquakes that trigger sharp movements of the seafloor. Sometimes landslides can also cause Tsunamis. Most commonly occurred in the Pacific regions in recent times. cyclones have occurred in various parts of the world.

Cyclone can be predicted before it strikes. but a tsunami cannot be predicted. A tsunami can cause more damages than a cyclone. 

Most Devastating Tropical Cyclone in the History 

1970s Bhola cyclone, one of the deadliest tropical cyclones in the history ever. This was struck East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and India's West Bengal on November 3, 1970. At least 500,000 people lost their lives in the storm.

The cyclone formed over the central Bay of Bengal and traveled northward. It reached its peak with winds of 185 km/h. It made landfall on the coast of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). In the most severely affected areas Upazila, Tazumuddin, over 45% of the population was killed by the storm.

Prediction and preparedness

An effective weather forecasting and monitoring system implemented to predict the impact of a tropical cyclone. Satellite and radar technology are used to track the developments by the Meteorological Department. A prompt notification or alerts circulated to the cyclone-prone areas. Also, necessary evacuation to safer places such as storm shelters could save many lives. As a preventive measure, sea walls also constructed to protect the communities living in that region. Governments and other responsible authorities advise people to stock up enough food and necessary emergency belongings and avoid seashores during the storm surge.    

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